Monday, February 28, 2011

Youth Conference Campamento

We finally found the tents and youth  about half a mile after crossing the river.

"Grandpa" lives here.  We cooked and served the  meals from his kitchen.

We had the best oatmeal for breakfast - cooked with evaporated milk and some cinnamon.

We really didn't get left this far behind.  We just had a slow start!

 We could see the kids uncovering a treasure. 

They discoverd an unopened tomb.

Grandpa donated two roosters for soup the first day and these two ducks for a duck and rice dish today.

The youth each had to bring their own dish to eat on and clean their own.  Everyone pitched  in to help.  There were still a few  pinfeathers on the ducks.

Granpa needed a partial wall built around his well, so we helped him.  The boys carried rocks from a field below.

Will and Cesar needed a bit of a rest.

There was even a straight line made for a guide.  Grandpa was so happy to have company he kept donated his animals for us to eat.

The hole was dug to make the mud caulking in.

The kids were great to pitch in and work wherever needed.

Winner of the ugliest rooster contest - the other two contestants went  in the soup! 

It wasn't all work - a little water fight always cools you off.

1 comment:

Valoy said...

Wow, their youth conference looks a lot different than the ones my kids attended. It looks like you have good kids in your stake. You both look good. Terry is getting smarter by buying a hose. Seeing your pictures make me appreciate the little things that we have and also the big ones too.